Berlin 1936 Summer Olympics - An American Crew's Magical Journey
In August, 1936 Hitler's Germany hosted the Olympics in Berlin. A U-Washington crew of Depression Era youngsters from the west won fame and glory competing in the U.S...then set off to win gold in Berlin. This captivating story touches many bases...growing up in The Depression, a heroic quest to win, the many innovations in rowing and wooden shell design...and a Nazi propaganda machine in full overdrive
Top Recommendation for August
The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Olympics", by James Brown (2013, Jun - 416pp)
Marvelous, inspiring story of the U-Washington coach and crew at Hitler's 1936 Olympics and their quest for gold against a heavily favored Nazi machine.
This is a terrific book. Even my wife, who’s not much of a sports fan, loved it. Good selection!