Dangerous Passage - WW II's Catastrophic War in the Atlantic

March 16, 1943 marked the height of the Battle of the Atlantic,  with 27 Allied merchantmen being sunk by German H 500 - rc mar '16 (1)U-Boats in one day. England was at the end of its rope and Churchill doubted the War could continue. The nearly forgotten, fascinating  story of the Battle of the Atlantic comes alive in David Fairbank White's unforgettable "Bitter Ocean: The Battle of the Atlantic 1939 - 1943" which vividly recounts some of the most desperate hours in British history.


Monthly Recommendation for March

Bitter Ocean: The Battle of the Atlantic 1939 - 1943, by David White (2007 - 368pp)

Terrific, totally absorbing history of the war at sea. The Allies lost 2750 ships, 72,000 sailors and merchant seamen. The Germans a staggering 80%. David White (2007 - 368pp)


