Forging a New Continent - The Settlers Who Made America

With clarity and incisiveness, David McCullough details the experience of a brave and broad-minded band of people who crossed raging rivers, chopped down forests, plowed miles of land and suffered incalculable hardships, Braving a lonely frontier to forge a new American ideal, these were America's pioneers. Acclaimed  historian McCullough's  "The Pioneers", tells the story of the first Americans and their families who ventured westward to settle a new continent.


Top Recommendation for September

The Pioneers: The Epic Story of the Settlers Who Brought the American Ideal West, by David McCullough (June, 2019 - 352 pp)

David McCullough is at his best as a great storyteller, chronicling the lives of the many famous and not so famous pioneers that settled the West. His focus on the Ohio river region, the Northwest territories and greats like Johnny Appleseed, Daniel Boone, Kit Carson, et al will enthrall everyone


