Surviving The Great Midwest Dust Bowel of 1935

April 14, 1935 is known as "Black Sunday", a day when horrific dust storms engulfed the high plains of Oklahoma and Texas. Timothy Egan's "The Worst Hard Time: The Story of Those who Survived the Great American Dust Bowel", describes 12 families, their communities and desperate attempts to carry on through blinding black blizzards, crop failures, choking dust that killed young and old.


Top Recommendation for April, 2019

The Worst Hard Time: Surviving the Great American Dust Bowl,
by Timothy Egan (2006 - 340 pp)

At times, horrifying stories of 12 families who survived the Dust Bowl. A tale of survival against dust storms that brought a man-made scourge on the Midwest, blotting out the sun and bringing clouds of locusts.


