The Dreyfus Affair - The Scandal that Rocked France

In January of 1898, French literary titan, Emile Zola, published one of the most inflammatory news headlines in world history with "J'Accuse", attacking the French military's notorious conviction of innocent Jewish Major, Alfred Dreyfus, for espionage. Piers Read's "The Dreyfus Affair:The Scandal that Tore France in Two", is a riveting look at a highly anti-semitic France whose military was severely impacted on the eve of looming WW I. A great espionage thriller


Top Recommendation for January

The Dreyfus Affair,: The Scandal that Tore France in Two  by Piers Read,
(2012 - 432 pp)

Fascinating history of the notorious scandal that rocked France in the 1890's, exposing virulent anti-semitic sentiment in France and the deep tensions with Germany on the eve of WW I.



