FDR and The Birth of the Liberal Idea in America

Where did 'Liberalism' and the assortment of  liberal ideas that exist in the U.S. today come from? From the Alphabet soup of acronyms like the WPA, the AAA and the NIRA, David Pietrusza paints a picture of America during the Great Depression that brings FDR int focus for all. In "Roosevelt Sweeps the Nation", Pietrusza introduces the entire panoply of FDR's appointees, their foibles and fine points, and weaves in one famous famous FDR quote after another. Hated by many, loved by millions FDR started as a conservative and became the father of liberalism in America. He tried one new program after another until he found the combination that worked


Top Recommendation for September

Roosevelt Sweeps the Nation: FDR's 1936 Landslide and the Triumph of the Liberal Idea, by David Pietrusza (2022 - 450pp)

This is a book worth reading twice. In beautifully written prose, David Pitrusza captures the essence of FDR as he was coming into the Presidency in 1938. His character as a man with two sides...a totally charming personality that could capture the hearts and minds of Americans during the Great Depression.

